February 28, 2011
Generally, most income you receive is considered taxable but there are situations when certain types of income are partially taxed or not taxed at all. All sources of income are fully taxable and must be included in your income unless it is specifically excluded by law. To help clergy understand the differences between taxable and…
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December 30, 2010
The year is wrapping up and we’re ready to make W-2 filing easy! When your year-end data is ready, enter it on W2 data screen. Then relax! We’ll do the rest. Let us e-file, print and mail recipient copies and send you a confirmation that it’s all done. W-2s have never been easier! PRICING W-2…
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December 27, 2010
Clergy who claim deductions for home-mortgage interest, gifts to charity and state and local taxes will have to wait until middle to late February to file their 2010 returns. The Internal Revenue Service attributed the late start of the filing season to changes in tax law for 2010 that were finished last week. The agency…
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October 25, 2010
The proposed salary package will normally represent the previous pastor’s salary package or the guidelines set by your organization. 1- Does the church provide a social security allowance? 15.3% or 7.65% of salary and housing. 2- Does the church provide for the supplemental medical insurance? 3-Does the church provide a 100% professional accountable reimbursement plan?…
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October 14, 2010
The 1986 Tax Reform Act, the 1987 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation, Technical Correction Act of 1988, and the 1993 Reconciliation Act made the most sweeping changes in almost 50 years. The law is not simple. Your salary package is the most important factor in determining your annual tax liability. At year end, you are limited in…
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October 11, 2010
Clergy Financial Resources has created an “Understanding Clergy W-2 Forms” This PDF helps identify what needs to go in each box of a Clergy W-2. Click on the link below to access the file. Understanding Clergy W-2’s Source: Clergy Financial Resources https://www.clergyfinancial.com Clergy Financial Resources is a national accounting and finance organization serving churches and…
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October 6, 2010
In general, the fair rental value of the property is a question of facts and circumstances based on the local real estate market. If the pastor rents his or her home, the amount of the rent would be presumptive evidence of the fair rental value. Obtain the current fair rental value of your home from…
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October 4, 2010
A housing allowance is one of the greatest tax benefits available to clergy today.
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September 29, 2010
Social security benefits are financed through two tax systems. Employers and employees each pay the “FICA” tax, which for 2007 amounts to 7.65% of an employee’s taxable wages (a total tax of 15.3%). Self-employed persons pay the “self-employment tax,” which for 2007 is 15.3% of net self-employment earnings. Clergy are always considered to be self-employed…
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September 27, 2010
Ministers can arrange to have income taxes (but not social security taxes) withheld from their compensation by means of voluntary withholding agreements with their employers. If the employer agrees to such an arrangement, the minister must furnish the church with a Form W-4, and the church will then withhold on the basis of the standard…
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