HR Topic: Communicate to Employees What is Expected of Them
A well-written handbook provides employees with a clear understanding of their responsibilities. The handbook also serves as a compass for the organization’s policies and procedures. For example, it advises employees what the procedures are for requesting time off or a vacation. It advises employees whom they should contact when they have an unscheduled absence (and…
Will your tax return be audited?
A significant portion of clergy audits include Schedule C and Form 2016. The Schedule C is a one-page tax schedule used by self-employed to report their business income and expenses on their personal federal income tax return. Form 2106 would report ministry related expenses as an employee of the church. The good news is that…
8 Reasons Your Church Should Have an Employee Handbook
1) Introduces Employees to the Organization’s Culture, Mission, and Values 2) Communicates to Employees What is Expected of Them 3) Educates Employees About What They Can Expect From Management and Leadership 4) Helps Ensure Key Church Policies are Clearly and Consistently Communicated 5) Showcases the Benefits the Organization Offers 6) Ensures Compliance with Federal and…