Tag Archives: reimbursement plans

Top 10 Question of a New Call

The proposed salary package will normally represent the previous pastor’s salary package or the guidelines set by your organization. 1- Does the church provide a social security allowance? 15.3% or 7.65% of salary and housing. 2- Does the church provide for the supplemental medical insurance? 3-Does the church provide a 100% professional accountable reimbursement plan?…

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Accountable Reimbursement Plans Are Often Misunderstood By Church Administrators

Accountable Reimbursement Plans Your church should establish an accountable reimbursement policy. Clergy are allowed to exclude all reimbursed expenses from their reportable income. The church reimbursement policy should include the following, but not limited to: office supplies, religious material, subscriptions and paperbacks, meals, entertainment, seminars, dues and memberships, library, educational expenses, camps, legal and professional…

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